The Power of Frequency: How Your Energy Shapes Your Reality.

You aware of your energy? To a frequency that helps you thrive in your current environment?

Everything has energy! Our frequencies are unique to us and change daily.

Situations and emotions affect frequency. Our consciousness and spiritual awareness affect our frequency, which affects our mind, body, and spirit. Balance is desired. Balanced elevation is the goal.

Long-term exposure to lower frequencies than oneself causes fatigue, confusion, and maybe illness. Low frequency attracts low frequency.

Sometimes people resonating on a lower frequency prefer being around high-vibration people and want a portion of that energy, which slowly lowers your resonance. Protecting your energy and setting boundaries is crucial.

To summarise, if you feel like you’re attracting a lot of negativity and bad luck, it may be because you’ve let your frequency drop. Tune in to yourself and your environment and ask if your energy is where it should be or if you need to develop healthy boundaries and habits to tune in to a higher resonance, which attracts more abundance through the law of attraction.

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